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After my unexpected c-section I was incredibly anxious about not being able to have the breastfeeding experience I wanted for me and my baby. After meeting with you, I felt instantly relieved and confident. Your immediate detection of baby’s tongue ties and thorough explanation of how they can affect latching made me feel at ease. Your professional and compassionate guidance completely changed my experience and outlook on breastfeeding. You created a plan for baby and I which made me feel like my concerns were acknowledged. Thank you for making me feel comfortable, confident, and safe. I have formed such a strong connection with my newborn through this process and greatly appreciate you and your wisdom! 

Elliott & Violet , Brooklyn


Thank you again for everything. Your presence, knowledge, and warmth were such a pleasure to be around and I appreciate all your guidance. I can’t thank you enough for giving me back this gift to breastfeed Ben. Sometimes it really is true that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone, I missed this so much. 




Thank you so much for the guidance throughout my feeding journey. I felt 100% supported each step along the way. From attempting to breastfeed my tongue-tied son and helping us find the best ENT to transitioning to exclusively pumping and eventually helping me wean off to stop. You were supportive of all of my decisions and we’re always available whenever I had questions or needed help. You helped me feel confident during a very difficult time as a first-time mom. Thank you so much! 




Leigh Anne, I wanted to reach out to let you know that everything with feeding  has been going well - I'm not pumping anymore and just breastfeeding has made life much better.I appreciate your help!

Carla S.



Leigh Anne was an incredible resource in my first few weeks after giving birth to twins. She came into our home when I was feeling hopeless, exhausted and disoriented. My babies were not latching and my milk was not coming in. We were tirelessly trying to feed them formulas with syringes and at the end of our rope. Leigh Anne sat with us, listened and shared her wisdom. She quieted my nerves and restored hope in the process. Both my babies are now breastfeeding and my milk supply has improved immensely. While Leigh Anne is both warm and relaxed in nature, she also provided concrete skills and a plan I could implement when she left. In the weeks after her visit, Leigh Anne was extremely generous with her time offering additional resources, speaking with me on the phone and returning text message questions. I am so grateful to now be breastfeeding my babies and was truly blown away by the depth of knowledge and care that Leigh Anne provided. 

Georgia x

West Village & CT


I am certain that I would not have been successful in breastfeeding my child for 11 months had it not been for the incredible guidance and support of Leigh Anne O’Connor

I write this testimonial on the brink of my son’s first birthday.   The last year of my life has been a whirlwind of every possible emotion- pure happiness and excitement, pure fear and exhaustion, uncertainty and the most tremendous sense of unwavering joy. All these and more are the many emotions one experiences as a new mom.

Leigh Anne was my saving grace in the first week of my son’s life. In the days following his birth, I experienced difficulty with latching my son to my breast. I had always dreamed of breastfeeding, but never could have anticipated the anxiety, frustration, and worry that came along with this natural thing not coming so naturally for me or my baby. 

I was motivated to not give up and was given Leigh Anne's information from a close friend. Leigh Anne came into our home with an open heart and mind and a tremendous amount of knowledge.  She assisted me with several positions to help my baby latch easier. She provided me with tools and resources to utilize during the adjustment period of establishing milk supply and a strong effective latch. She calmed my nerves and helped to normalize the emotions I was feeling.  I will never forget taking the deepest breath I have maybe ever, when she helped me successful latch my baby. 

I immediately felt at ease after meeting Leigh Anne and listening to the knowledge she had to share. I felt like she brought me countless tools for my toolbox to breastfeed my baby.  She made herself available to me 24 hours a day.  Any questions or concerns I had she addressed calmly, quickly and compassionately.   She helped me to troubleshoot every phase of breastfeeding. From establishing a strong latch, to establishing and preparing a pumping schedule when I returned to my 14 hour work days, managing the fluctuations of hormones and emotions, to planning for a slow and realistic weaning plan. I am eternally grateful for this wonderful woman. 

I tell every new or expecting mom I know about Leigh Anne and hope everyone is as lucky as I am to have her guidance and feel her tremendous devotion for the joys of breastfeeding and motherhood. 

While my journey of breastfeeding has now come to an end, I look back on every moment of it with joy, gratitude, and great pride. Leigh Anne helped me to cultivate both knowledge and confidence that enabled me to embrace every moment of nursing my child with such joy and fulfillment. I will forever be grateful to her and look forward to sharing, God willing, moments with her when I am blessed with the gift of another baby. 

Thank you Leigh Anne, you are truly amazing. 


Upper East Side


Leigh Anne, thank you again for your highly engaged time, guidance re: nursing and pumping, assessment of Miles, and support for Mike and me as new parents this week. You helped us when we needed it most and really enabled us to turn a corner. 

Your support for me personally and the confidence you instilled in me as a new nursing mom was equally important. I was trying to put on a brave face but the way the pediatrician had spoken to me and insisted I needed to supplement had really undermined my confidence. Working with you on how to position and latch Miles helped me realize that I wasn't wildly off base. Your subtle, guidance on positioning has been game changing in enabling me to latch and feed Miles with much less pain for the past few days. 

Breastfeeding now seems sustainable to me and something I enjoy as time spent with Miles vs. something where I just want to try to get through it for him and grin and bear the pain. My nipples are healing nicely and I expect soon to have no pain. 

Your assessment of Miles as having a very tight jaw due to his breech position and giant little baby head (it's true 99% at birth) was all spot on. Having seen or talked to three prior lactation consultants, seen a pediatrician in the hospital daily, and a second one twice post discharge, none of these professionals had taken the time to listen to me about how the latch felt and to figure out how that corresponded with Miles's womb positioning, head size, pallet, and jaw. We are doing his exercises daily; he likes the jaw massage and has started doing lion, which is great! 

Finally in addition to the in person expertise the references and literature you followed up with re: options for baby bodywork and lactation and breast feeding support groups have been excellent. We feel much better informed as parents thanks to you. 

We can't say it enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you.  


Williamsburg, BK


Leigh Anne’s expert advice and encouragement saved my sanity and likely my breastfeeding relationship with my two-week old slow-gaining baby. She was the calm and supportive voice I needed to hear when the pediatrician was doing daily weight checks and I was on the verge of giving up.

I am so thankful that my baby is gaining well now, my supply is up and I can relax and go back to being the kind, supportive mom I want to be for my three kids. I can't thank her enough!

Stefanie Charlottesville, VA

(Formerly Forest Hills, Queens)


Hi Leigh Anne, 

I just want to say you cannot even begin to know how you have helped me. My entire being and heart is lighter and I literally feel like a new person. 

Your support and help has allowed me to start becoming the mother I want to be; relaxed, calm, and comforting and loving. None of which came easy when I was in such pain and feeling so desperate. 

Thank you too for your warmth and your kindness, empathy and patience. My parents and I went for a walk with Emiliana in the stroller and we couldn't have been happier. 

When I called my husband was ecstatic to see me looking so relaxed and peaceful. 

Please know that you have made an entire new family a happier one. 

All good things,


Battery Park City


All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I am so grateful for your calm and caring presence, it made all the difference to what was becoming a fraught and stressful experience.





Hi Leigh Anne,

I just wanted to thank you for consulting with me and Easton. You were so easy to talk to and really put my mind at ease with knowing he was getting enough milk. Feedings are going well and he is gaining weight!

Thank you, again!




"I really have to thank you for letting me know I still had time to increase my milk supply and that it was all possible. I was close to giving up. And I really thought making it to 3 months would be as far as I could get. Now I'm sure I can make it to 6 months to a year -- the longer the better. "

Jeanine &Kai, 



"Thanks Leigh Anne, you've been very helpful and informative. You've made breast feeding much less stressful and more enjoyable the second time around."


Upper West Side


Leigh Anne has been a gold mine of helpful answers when I really needed them with unexpected challenges breast-feeding has occasionally presented (over a couple of babies). She is extremely generous with her time, knowledge and insight. Her manner is loving, supportive and clear. Her follow through is thorough. And her commitment that families thrive is so clear. Leigh Anne has been a gift for us. 




Hi Leigh Anne,

I'm thrilled to tell you that Audrey and I are doing wonderfully, especially with breastfeeding.  It's been about a month since her frenulectomy, and not only is she gaining weight well, we are both happy!  I no longer feel any pain breastfeeding her. I never thought I'd say this given what we went through, but I really enjoy nursing her now!  

I have to say that I never would have made it this far (and plan to continue nursing her for a very long time!) without your support.  Your expertise and passion for breastfeeding is invaluable, and I cannot thank you enough.  I'm so grateful!!




You helped me with my twins, Tristan and Ajax. We are doing great. They are getting all breast milk now, nursing on the weekends/nights and my pumped milk during the weekdays as I am back a work.  I keep thinking about what a long way we've come through all of this!  Thank you so much for all of your support and help.


West Village


You have been more help to us than I can even say...  I doubt we would have had our great success without your calm approach and knowledge...  you made us all feel so comfortable and capable to continue to try...

You have also been so kind and generous with the follow up calls...  we feel so lucky your name was given to us and so grateful for everything you have done...  

thanks again for everything....


Upper West Side


Leigh Anne is not only an expert in her field, but she has the patience and kindness required to help the dance between mother and child to occur seamlessly. Leigh Anne has helped my family immensely by getting our breastfeeding up and running during a time when my husband and I needed it the most. Her support through such a trying time is something that we don't think we could have done without. Because of Leigh Anne's generosity, dedication, and expertise, our family is now thriving. We are eternally grateful to her!


Lower East Side


A professional in the new parent industry, though not yet a mother, I have watched Leigh Anne instruct women on the brink of first-time motherhood navigate their hopes and fears of breastfeeding. Her ease with the subject matter helps assuage preconceived taboos, guilt, obligation and fears that women have formed about their body and about breastfeeding. She helps demystify something that is innate to all mothers, and guides them through the very logical nature of infant need. She has a beautiful and comforting presence and reminds her audience that although their amazing journey will at times be difficult, they are not alone.

Cory Bronson, 

Marketing Manager, 



When my baby girl was about 10 days of age breastfeeding was painful, I had blisters that were starting to heal. I was soaking my nipples in linolin, but regardless they were sore. It felt like she was pinching on my nipples when she was nursing. Her sucking was excruciatingly powerful.

But that wasn't all, my daughter was fussy on the breast and she was struggling to latch on. She seemed to be frustrated with my breasts, shacking her head anxiously from left to right. I felt inadequate and all in all very sad that I couldn't help my baby. I wasn't sure if she was hungry, because I didn't know how much milk she was actually getting. Not to mention that I had no help with breastfeeding in the hospital, where they in fact suggested that I give my baby a bottle! Well, for me that wasn't a solution!

Leigh Anne came, and after a brief look at my baby, suggested that she may have a so called torticollis, which is a stiff neck in babies due to the in utero position. This explained her bottom lip dropping on one side. And this also explained her struggling to nurse, simply because it was painful for her to turn her little head to one side. Also, she was "chopping" on my nipples because the stiff neck is directly connected to the jaw muscles. 

Leigh Anne helped me with a few different latch on techniques and reassured me that I do have a substantial milk supply after my baby burped it all out. She has also recommended a craniosacral therapist for her. (craniosacral therapy is a very gentle and babies love it).

Now at 9 weeks old, she had 3 craniosacral therapies and is growing beautifully and nursing beautifully.




Leigh Anne saved my life. As a first time mom trying to make sense of my physical recovery while also responding to the needs of my infant son, Leigh Anne provided the essential help that I needed to successfully nurse my son. She provided the critical tools, understanding and knowledge as well as boundless empathy and confidence building advice which allowed me to enjoy a very special time with my son. With Leigh Anne's support, my son benefited from the greatest gift a mother can give to her child. 




My experience nursing my first child was such a positive and trouble-free one. However, each child is different, and I was also surprised to discover how much I'd forgotten. Leigh Anne is not only knowledgeable, she is a kind, soothing presence at a moment in life where all about you is chaos.  She offers always thoughtful advice and never treats any question as if it is foolish. I have recommended her services wholeheartedly to each of my friends - because Leigh Anne is able to help any nursing family find the right balance, whatever their goals and needs may be.


East Village


Hi Leigh Anne,

Thanks so much for your help last weekend. It made such a big difference to Gal’s confidence and Blake has been doing very well. He got back up to birth weight ahead of schedule! His cheeks are filling out at quite a pace. Gal has not needed to pump for over a week, so her energy is also much better.

We really appreciate how quickly you responded and how professional, empathetic and kind you were. We’ll be sure to get in touch if we need further help.

All the best,

Paul & Gal

Financial District


Thank you for your unwavering support.  I remember when I met you when my baby was a tiny thing I felt like breastfeeding was never going to work for me

You’ve helped me find confidence and I can’t  believe six months later I’m still going strong.  With a 20 plus pound baby!


Upper East Side


Leigh Anne was key to my breastfeeding success with my twins. She came to my house when the twins were just a few weeks old and she taught me how to latch them properly, encouraged me to be kinder to myself and recommended the breast pump for me. I was pushing myself to tandem feed and it was so difficult that I thought of quitting all together but Leigh Anne helped me find a way that worked for us and allowed me to stay sane. I was able to provide my twins breast milk way longer than I thought I could and even was able to go to Hawaii vacation without kids and bring back over 100oz of milk for them and keep nursing after returning. 


Upper East Side


I wanted to write and THANK YOU for the valuable help you gave me when I met you in November shortly after the birth of my son when we were down in West Village.

Since then my son has been EBF, and had his tongue and lip tie corrected by Dr. Siegel successfully with no recovery issues. Simultaneously, the initial latching pain went away. Now I feel so in harmony in being able to provide all the nutrition my son needs. We are currently traveling a lot and I have  learned to feed him sitting anywhere and everywhere. It is incredibly empowering. I could not have done this without your help


West Village


Leigh Anne saved my breastfeeding relationship with my son after I had low supply, and he had latching issues. We’ve now been exclusively breastfeeding for seven months! She is the fourth lactation consultant I met in the weeks after my son was born, and she is the one who finally solved our problems. She saw us as individuals and came up with a plan that was specifically tailored to our needs, where others had given us the stock answer—we needed more than to just feed the baby, follow with a bottle, and pump every two to three hours. She made sure I understood how to increase my supply, how to recognize when things had normalized, how to teach my son satisfaction at the breast, and also helped when a clogged duct came up months later. Leigh Anne is warm, responsive, kind, and extremely good at her craft. I’d wholeheartedly recommend her to any friend who is struggling with breastfeeding.


Upper West Side

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Leigh Anne O'Connor, IBCLC

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